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Champion Rhapsody’s That’s My Casey

Casey was my first Conformation show dog, and she received her Championship 7/10/2004.

Although Casey is now retired, she still goes to shows with me, and every once in a while she'll come out for a Veteran's Class.

Most people who know her, know her as "Little Momma."

Casey's Pedigree

CH Salutaire Carlara Cupid CH Saint Lazar's Andy Jackson CH Sensational Pride
CH Saint Lazar's Just Amber
CH Salutaire Angel in Disguise CH Saint Lazar's Salutaire Kando
CH Salutaire Heaven Help Us
CH Rhapsody's Thatgirl at Mahan CH Rhapsody's Samurai CH ST Lazar Play It Again Sam
CH St laxar's Ingenious Device
CH Rhapsody's Acclaim V Lou's CH Lou's Seed of Monterey Jack
CH Lou's Maker of Magic

Certified Pedigree Image

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